Hello World!
We are excited to announce that this is our first blog post on our newly released and rebuilt website for Boro Hemp Co! This year has been one of the best and most gratifying we have ever experienced. Because of you, we have witnessed explosive growth that we did not think would be possible in these extraordinary times. Not only have we completely rebuilt our print in the world of e-commerce, but we have also moved our production to a new facility that accommodates the surge we have seen in demand for our products. To cater to that demand, we have filled this new location with incredibly gifted and talented staff members who are truly passionate about what they do and have recruited new sales agents across the Southeast United States to spread our reach. It has truly been a year that we will never forget.
But the mission continues to march on. This year we have seen an introduction of new lines of product that we believe will help make our mark in the realm of CBD and hemp. We are quick at work to perfect these new lines with all of the necessary research, testing, and manufacturing needed to make us the premier supplier of all things hemp. Our humble beginnings in 2019 initially saw us opening our doors to those who wanted quality CBD products but since that time we have expanded to provide you with some of the best Delta 8, THC-V, THC-O, and HHC-O money can buy. And it would be remiss to say that there isn’t more coming from Boro Hemp!
As that time comes we want to remind you that we are equally hard at work to ensure we are giving you our absolute best. Whether that be the final product itself, customer service or simply someone that can help to educate you on cannabinoids, we want to be your go-to company for CBD. In the future, we will be using this blog as a platform to present you with studies and research as time goes on.
Finally, we thank you for the time and patronage you have given us. As with every other business in existence, whether it be large or small, we are here as we are because of you. We hope to continue to provide you with the best our work has to offer.
Thank you.
– Boro Hemp Co Team